EDEN Doctoral seminars
► EDEN Doctoral Seminar on Bibliometric Literature Analysis
ONLINE, November 1-30, 2022
NEW Application Deadline: October 7, 2022
Programme Coordinator & Faculty
- Ilan Alon, University of Agder.
- Ziaul Haque Munim, University of South-Eastern Norway
This is a course designed for PhD students who wish to better understand their field of research and gaps in the literature. The course will teach you how to make a contribution to your field based on a bibliometric literature review. Students will be asked to read a variety of published bibliometric articles, review a bibliometric study in a refereed journal, and produce one of their own based on their research interests, to be discussed and approved by the professors. Published professors and editors will guide you through a publishable paper proposal and will help you position yourself as a scholar/researcher in your field.
► 10TH EDEN Doctoral Seminar on How to Design your PhD
ONLINE, November 7-11, 2022
Note: The seminar has moved to ONLINE format
NEW Application Deadline: October 7, 2022
Programme Coordinator & Faculty
- Ricardo Morais, Catolica Porto Business School
- Eelko Huizingh, University of Groningen
The seminar is practical in nature, with the use of a visual decision-making tool for integrative research design based on Philosophy of Science, integrating the theory, method, data, rhetoric, and authorship of a research project to focus an academic text such as a research proposal.
This seminar helps early stage PhD candidates design their research project. Participants will:
- acknowledge process, philosophical, and methodological ambiguities in their research;
- understand the interplay between theory, method, data, rhetoric, and authorship in their research;
- apply a framework of 21 questions to focus and design their research;
- diagnose the current strengths and weaknesses of their research;
- learn strategies for literature review, theory development, and theory testing;
- formulate alternative research ideas and research questions;
- design a literature review;
- discuss alternative qualitative research designs; discuss alternative quantitative research designs;
- develop a conceptual model;
- discuss alternative measurements;
- design data collection and analysis;
- design their thesis project.
► EDEN Doctoral Seminar on Responsible Organising: New Perspectives on Social Inequalities Helsinki, Finland, November 7-11, 2022
Application Deadline: Some seats still open , Contact Nina Payen – payen@eiasm.be
Course coordinator: Nikodemus SOLITANDER and Pia POLSA, Hanken School of Economics
Faculty:. Janne TIENARI, Aalto University School of Economics; Charlotta NIEMISTÖ, Hanken School of Economics,
Martin FOUGÈRE, Swedish School of Economics and Business
The aim of the course is to give an in-depth overview of the current state and contribution of Responsible Organising research on the key inequality challenges that faces humankind.
► EDEN Doctoral Seminar on Innovative Visual Methods – Uses and Applications in Management Studies
The present EDEN Blended seminar is a 3-day doctoral seminar.
A mixed approach – a face-to-face course with an online element (two half days online + 2 days in person).
New Application Deadline: October 7, 2022
Faculty: Maria Quinlan, Pink Flower Research (Founder and Head of Research)
The seminar will explore how participatory action-research methodologies such as Photovoice, rooted in feminist approaches to inclusive knowledge creation, can provide deeply nuanced insight regarding organisations. Drawing from case examples across the financial and professional services, the seminar will explore how these approaches bring the rigour of sociological enquiry to bear on organisational issues which are often complex and multi-layered. Issues such as systemic racism; gendered organisational dynamics; organisational trauma; cultivating cultures of belonging and meritocracy; effective leadership require a depth of root-cause analysis which sociological methods can provide.
►EDEN Doctoral Seminar on Generating Impactful Research Ideas for Young Scholars: Theory and Practice (3RD EDITION)
ONLINE, November 17 – December 15 , 2022
Sessions on 17 November, 24 November, 1 December, 8 December, 15 December
NEW Application Deadline: October 7, 2022
Programme Coordinator & Faculty: Elio KEKO, Ghent University (Programme Coordinator)
Stefan STREMERSCH, Erasmus School of Economics,
Guest speakers to share their specific knowledge and experience on a specific topic.
The seminar aims to help participants achieve their personal goals, which may be different, but often start with a great idea. This may include:
- Publishing impactful papers in top journals
- Having greater control over ideation
- Increasing the chances of project funding
- By the end of the seminar, participants will have learnt:
- A clear process and tools for each step of the process to get inspired, generate, discuss and select ideas.
- Different ways to find inspiration for your research, depending on your research goals and interests.
- How to develop a higher number and more creative research ideas using hands-on tools and methods.
- A stage-gate methodology to select the best, most impactful ideas that you can use iteratively throughout your research career.
- How to pitch ideas to your supervisor/advisor/colleague in a clear and coherent way.
► EDEN Doctoral Seminar on Consumer Research
November 21-25, 2022, Brussels, Belgium
Application Deadline: October 7, 2022
Faculty: Luk WARLOP, BI Oslo; Stefano PUNTONI, Erasmus University; Simona BOTTI, London Business School; Ozlem SANDIKCI, Istanbul Sehir University
The aim of this course is to be an introduction on how to do consumer behavior research, rather than to provide exhaustive coverage of the field as a whole. It will focus on evaluating papers, preparing research ideas, and developing them into research proposals in four important areas of consumer research: self-control, social identity, consumer decision making, and consumer culture theory.
► EDEN Doctoral Seminar on Methods, Techniques and Theories in Entrepreneurship and Innovation
November 28 – December 2, 2022, Brussels, Belgium
Application Deadline: October 7, 2022
Programme Coordinator & Faculty
Philippe MUSTAR (MINES ParisTech, Paris, France) (Programme Coordinator & Faculty); Bart CLARYSSE (ETH Zurich, Switzerland); Anu WADHWA (Imperial College , U.K.); Massimo COLOMBO (Milano Polytecnico, Italy), Lien De CUYPER (Amsterdam Business School, The Netherlands)
The seminar introduces the participants to the methods, techniques and theories commonly used in their research area. It also offers possibilities for young researchers to get in contact with their peers, to explore new avenues of thinking, to learn collectively and to exchange ideas in a very active and stimulating way. The emphasis is on interactive learning with peers about the practical aspects of setting up a research project.
► EDEN Doctoral Seminar on Producing and Evaluating Knowledge in Management Accounting
Jointly with the 13th Conference on New Directions in Management Accounting
December 12-16, 2022, Lisbon, Portugal
Application Deadline: October 10, 2022.
Programme Coordinator and Faculty
- Chris Chapman, University of Bristol, U.K. (Programme Coordinator & Faculty)
- Eddy Cardinaels, KU Leuven, Belgium
- Wai Fong Chua, University of Sydney, Australia
This EDEN Seminar will focus on establishing the domain of management accounting as a topic for research. As well as seeking to provide a grounding in the kinds of issues that typically comprise management accounting research a significant emphasis will be placed on developing an understanding the diversity of research approaches that may be undertaken in seeking to understand management accounting phenomena. A key learning objective of the programme is to develop a sensitivity to issues of method and methodology that underpin the knowledge claims at stake in academic research in management accounting.
2023 EDEN Doctoral Seminars
► 11th EDAMBA-EIASM Consortium on Doctoral Supervision and the New Global Research Landscape
Barcelona (Sant Cugat) , January 11-13, 2023
Application Deadline: December 1, 2022
EIASM and EDAMBA, have both a long experience in doctoral training, have decided to join forces to create a forum of exchange, communication and training among current and potential supervisors in PhD program in their respective networks and beyond.
This year’s program is highly relevant for all actors who are interested in adapting to the emerging challenges of doctoral education and building programs that will train high-quality scholar who will be able to address the current and future needs of business schools and society.
Our panel of scholars is composed of experts who have developed research/evidence based knowledge about doctoral training, the president of EAISM key institutional actor in the advancement of responsible research and doctoral education and scholars who are interested in advancing debates about how doctoral program can train scholars who will educate leaders and advance knowledge that will contribute to address the grand challenges of our time.
► EDEN Doctoral Seminar on Research Methodology in Operations Management
Brussels, January 30-February 3, 2023
Application Deadline: December 1, 2022
Programme Coordinator & Faculty
- Pamela DANESE, University of Padova, Italy (Programme Coordinator)
- Pär ÅHLSTRÖM, Stockholm School of Economics, Sweden
- Marco FORMENTINI, Audencia Business School, France
- Cipriano FORZA, University of Padova, Italy
- Jan FRANSOO, Kuehne Logistics University, Germany
- Rui SOUSA, Universidade Catolica Portuguesa, Porto, Portugal
- Maximiliano UDENIO, KU Leuven, Belgium
The EIASM EDEN doctoral seminar on research methodology in operations management is designed to fit PhD students in operations management. The seminar gives participants insights into the characteristics of four different research methodologies: simulation and modeling, surveys, case studies and action research. The main purpose of the seminar is to make participants aware of when to use different methodologies and the strengths and weaknesses of each methodology.
► EDEN Doctoral Seminar on Research Traditions in International Sales Management
Kuopio, Finland, March 13-16, 2023
Application Deadline: October 31, 2022.
- Ellen Pullins, University of Toledo, USA
- Mika Gabrielsson, University of Eastern Finland
Course coordinators:
- Mika Gabrielsson, University of Eastern Finland
- Joona Kemppainen; email: kemppainen@uef.fi(registration and student inquiries)
Hence, this course is designed for students to familiarize themselves with theoretical and methodological approaches to the study of international sales management. It addresses the following objectives: 1. The students will be able to describe and explain the body of theoretical and methodological approaches used in the study of international sales management (knowledge-based). 2. The students will be able to carry out critical analysis of scientific articles and other academic texts and apply their ideas to their own research (skill-based).
► EDEN Doctoral Seminar on Research Methods in Marketing And Management
Brussels, Belgium, April 24-28, 2023
Application Deadline: February 20, 2023
Programme Coordinator & Faculty
- Hans BAUMGARTNER, Pennsylvania State University (Programme Coordinator & Faculty)
- Tammo BIJMOLT, University of Groningen
- Adamantios DIAMANTOPOULOS, Universität Wien
The purpose of this seminar is to introduce students to important issues in the design, analysis and interpretation of behavioral research in marketing and management.
Topics covered in the seminar include:
- measurement theory and construction of reliable and valid measurement instruments;
- testing for mediator and moderator effects;
- exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis and structural equation modeling;
- and hierarchical linear models and latent class analysis.
After taking this course, participants should be able to:
(1) better understand the methodological aspects of other people’s research and
(2) conduct methodologically sound research of their own.
For more information, contact Nina K. Payen – payen@eiasm.be
Visit the EIASM Website for more EDEN Doctoral seminars – https://www.eiasm.net/home