
Application deadline for PhD programmes is May 31, 2024

Applicants can choose from nine English-taught doctoral study programmes offered by the Prague University of Economics and Business for the academic year 2023/24. Electronic applications for full-time or part-time studies can be submitted until May 31, 2024. Apply here: In contrast to master’s studies, doctoral studies are very individual and more research-oriented. Students have […]

Application deadline for PhD programmes is May 31, 2024

Register for a seminar about international research projects – at VŠE!

Vice-Rector for Research and Doctoral Studies prof. Martin Lukeš cordially invites you to a seminar “Horizone Europe and the university support of international projects” (as part of VŠEvěda) About the seminar: November 20, 12.30 – 16.00 at the Academic Club. The seminar aims to introduce the structure of Horizon Europe (HE), an EU centrally managed programme […]

Register for a seminar about international research projects – at VŠE!

VŠEvěda took place – all about science at VŠE

VŠEvěda – this is a university-wide introduction to scientific, mobility and grant opportunities.  The first ever VŠEvěda was held on 17 and 18 May 2023 under the auspices of the Research Office (OVV). All the scientific opportunities available within the VŠE, nationally and internationally, were presented. The VŠEvěda was thematically divided into four blocks. The […]

VŠEvěda took place – all about science at VŠE

University position towards MDPI publishing

The counsel of VŠE vice-deans for research does not recommend publication in journals published by MDPI and unanimously declares that article processing charges and remuneration for the authors of these articles will not be paid from DKRVO funds. More information is available on the internal Sharepoint for research or in the document attached below.

Introduction to Causal Data Analysis and Modeling with Coincidence Analysis

Learning causal data analysis with Coincidence Analysis from the ground up – organized by the Faculty of Finance and Accounting and University of Bergen. This workshop offers an intensive 4-day introduction to causal modeling with Coincidence Analysis (CNA), a relatively new configurational comparative method of data analysis geared towards causal complexity, which has seen a […]

University research topics

The Research Office prepared an overall presentation of the university´s research topics by the respective faculties. The leaflet could be used for introducing the university´s research topics to new as well as current international partners. Do not hesitate to share the leaflet with your contacts. In case of any questions, let us know at

Online Doctoral Winter School 2023 – University of Ljubljana

The School of Economics and Business at the University of Ljubljana is organising the third Doctoral Winter School, aimed at PhD students, post-docs, academics and professionals from various fields. All courses are offered online and each participant can register for one course.   Programme: Advanced Panel-data Econometrics SPRUK Rok, University of Ljubljana Applied Time Series Analysis and […]

Launch of the Danube Mobility Programme

The Danube Transnational Programme finances regional projects involving 2 to 4 participating countries of the Danube region (Austria, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Montenegro, Serbia, Slovakia) and France. The aim of this scientific and technical cooperation programme is to support multilateral cooperation in the region. The application deadline is January 16th 2023. More information is available on […]

Barrande Fellowship Programme

The French Institute in Prague, the French Embassy in the Czech Republic and the Czech Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports (MSMT) are happy to announce the launch of the Barrande Fellowship Programme for 2023, the exchange mobility programme for Ph.D. students between the Czech Republic and France. The programme offers scholarships to support “cotutelles” […]

ONLINE Horizon Europe Workshop

The Research Office invites you to a seminar about Horizon Europe organized in cooperation with the Technology Centre CAS. The workshop will take place on December 1 (9am). The workshop is open to all researchers and doctoral students who are interested in engaging in international research projects within the EU framework programme Horizon Europe. Take […]

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